Purim 2018 @ Park Row Synagogue in partnership with Chabad Bristol

It’s almost Purim! Here’s what is happening
in Bristol this year to celebrate.

Sunday Feb 25th
10am-12pm Family creative Cheder @ Park Row Synagogue~~~~~

Monday Feb 26th
7pm It’s No Job for a Nice Jewish Girl by Rachel Creeger
Find out more about the performance here.


Wednesday Feb 28th
6:00pm Family Cheder – come in fancy dress!
6:30pm Megillah reading, followed by a Falafel King feast* 


Thursday March 1st
8am Minyan & Megillah
1:00pm Purim Power Hour Lunch Break – Festive Lunch* & Megillah – Young n’ Old
5:00pm Student & Young Professionals Party – Purim in the Shtetel. Book tickets @ https://www.facebook.com/events/152551702110228/

*The food is generously sponsored by the Park Row Synagogue. For catering purposes, please RSVP so the food can be ordered accordingly here www.jewishbristol.com/eventlist/purim 

Matanot La’evyonim

One of the special Purim Mitzvot is Matanot La’evyonim, giving gifts to the Jewish needy. There will be a special collection box in the Shul on Purim which will be distributed to local Jewish families in need of support and to the poor in Israel.

You can also donate online here and your gift will be distributed on Purim day. (Please mark your donation “Purim”.)

Do you know of someone in the community who is housebound and unable to join the Purim celebrations? If so, please contact Rabbi Mendy Singer so we can schedule a home visit to bring the warmth and joy of Purim to their door.

Run in partnership with:  

Dates over the High Holidays

Wed 20 Sep
Rosh Hashana Eve
18:55 – Candle lighting for 1st day Rosh Hashana
Evening service then Community Dinner (RSVP)


Thurs 21 Sep
Rosh Hashana
09:00 – 1st day Rosh Hashana Morning Service
20:00 – Candle lighting for 2nd Day Rosh Hashana


Fri 22 Sep
Rosh Hashana
09:00 – 2nd day Rosh Hashana Morning Service
18:50 – Candle lighting for Shabbat Shuva


Sat 23 Sep
Shabbat Shuva
10:00 – Shabbat Morning Service
19:56 – Shabbat ends


Sun 24 Sep
Fast of Gedaliah
05:14 – Fast of Gedaliah starts
19:37 – Fast ends


Fri 29 Sep
Yom Kippur
18:34 – Yom Kippur candle lighting & Fast begins
Kol Nidre Evening Service


Sat 30 Sep
Yom Kippur
10:00 – Yom Kippur Morning Service
13:00 – Yizkor (approx)
19:39 – Fast ends


Wed 4 Oct
18:23 – Candle lighting for 1st Day Sukkot


Thurs 5 Oct
10:00 – 1st Day Sukkot Morning Service
19:28 – Candle lighting for 2nd Day Sukkot (after this time)


Fri 6 Oct
10:00 – 2nd Day Sukkot Morning Service
18:19 – Candle lighting for Shabbat Chol Ha’moed


Sat 7 Oct
Shabbat – Sukkot
10:00 – Shabbat Morning Service
19:24 – Shabbat ends


Wed 11 Oct
Shemini Atzeret
18:07 – Candle lighting for Shemini Atzeret


Thurs 12 Oct
Shemini Atzeret
10:00 – Shemini Atzeret Morning Service
12:00 – (approx) – Yizkor
19:00 – Evening Service for Simchat Torah & Hakafot
19:13 – Candle lighting for Simchat Torah (after this time)


Fri 13 Oct
Simchat Torah
10:00 – Simchat Torah Morning Service & Hakafot
18:03 – Candle lighting for Shabbat Bereishit


Sat 14 Oct
10:00 – Shabbat Morning Service
19:09 – Shabbat ends

Jewish Cuisine Workshop Rosh Hashana Sephardi Style

Jewish Cuisine Workshop
Rosh Hashana Sephardi Style

Tuesday, 12 September 2017, 7:00 pm

A hands on cuisine workshop guided by Jewish Master Chef and author of six kosher cookbooks, Denise Phillips.

We will be cooking up a varied menu of Sephardi style delicacies using Rosh Hashanah themed foods.

You will learn a few new tricks and recipes, taste the Simanim of Rosh Hashanah and take home your own masterpieces to enjoy.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017, 7:00 pm @ Park Row Synagogue.

Adult £8, Student £5 – Pay at the door
RSVP online by 07/09 at www.jewishbristol.com/rh-workshop

Entebbe Raid: A talk by Commando Major Rami Sherman

Entebbe Raid Commando, Major Rami Sherman to speak in Bristol, 10th of May at Park Row Synagogue.

Marking 40 years from the Raid on Entebbe, we are excited to welcome Major Rami Sherman to speak in Bristol!
Hosted by the Park Row Synagogue and supported by the Chief Rabbi’s Centre for Community Excellence.

Major Rami Sherman from the IDF Elite Commando Unit will tell the miraculous story of the hijacking, battle for and rescue of Air France flight 139 from Entebbe, Uganda in 1976 and its relevant message to us in 2017.


10th of May, 7:00 pm @ Park Row Synagogue
Admissions: £5 at the door. Students free.
Light Refreshments will be served.

Due to the nature of this event we are required to have a list of the attendees in advance.
If you are interested in attending please enter your name and email address at the website below:




About the Talk
Mutual Responsibility is part of the Jewish People’s DNA.
During the lecture which will mark 40 years from the Entebbe Operation (“Operation Yonathan”) Rami will speak about:

• The preparations incurred by the hijacking of the Air France flight and its deviation to Uganda
• The battle that took place at the Entebbe air field to rescue the hostages
• The death of Yoni Netanyahu R.I.P
• Rami’s part in leading the hostages to the Hercules planes and to freedom
• Rami’s personal “March of the Living”, as the son of a Holocaust survivor and Jew rescuer and liberator
• The connection between that historic event to Israel’s present day reality

About Major Rami Sherman
Rami Sherman grew up on kibbutz Lehavot Habashan in the north of Israel and was educated by the kibbutz movement educational system. During his army service, he served in the IDF’s Navy Seal unit from which he was honorably discharged with the rank of Major. In 1976, during the “Entebbe Operation”, Rami served as Yoni Netanyahu’s Operations Officer.

Sell Your Chametz

This just in from Chabad of Bristol!

Pesach is coming! Sell your Chametz now before the market crashes.
Did you know that on Pesach we not only refrain from eating Chametz but even owning any? No worries, you don’t have to throw out any food. Just lock it up, fill out this quick authorization and we will sell your Chametz in accordance with the Halacha.


Bristol Diverse Doors Open Day 2017

Bristol Diverse Doors Open Day 2017 is taking place on Sunday 26th February from 10.30am – 4.30pm.

This year 14 places of worship are opening their doors. In addition, 6 of the 14 venues will form a designated ‘Faith Trail’, each representing a different faith. At each of these six core venues there will be an opportunity to learn about that particular faith and to ask questions.

Diverse Doors 2017_info_leaflet_final

For more information contact:
Lily Khandker, Forum Development Officer
Email: info@bristolmultifaithforum.org.uk

2017 High Holidays Timetable

Sun 2 Oct 18:27


Candle lighting for 1st day Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashana evening service

Mon 3 Oct 09:00


1st day Rosh Hashana Morning Service

Candle lighting for 2nd Day Rosh Hashana

Tue 4 Oct 09:00


2nd day Rosh Hashana Morning Service

End of Rosh Hashana

Wed 5 Oct 05:34


Fast of Gedaliah starts

Fast ends

Fri 7 Oct 18:16 Shabbat Shuva – Candle Lighting
Sat 8 Oct 10:00


Morning Service

Shabbat ends

Tue 11 Oct 18:07 Candle lighting for Yom Kippur, Fast begins & Kol Nidre Evening Service
Wed 12 Oct 10:00



Yom Kippur Morning Service

(approx) – Yizkor

Fast ends

Fri 14 Oct 18:00 Candle Lighting
Sat 15 Oct 10:00


Morning Service

Shabbat ends

Sun 16 Oct 17:56 Candle lighting for 1st Day Succot
Mon 17 Oct 10:00


1st Day Succot Morning Service

Candle lighting for 2nd Day Succot (after this time)

Tue 18 Oct 10:00


2nd Day Succot Morning Service

Second Day ends

Fri 21 Oct 17:46 Candle Lighting
Sat 22 Oct 10:00


Morning Service

Shabbat ends

Sun 23 Oct 17:42 Candle lighting for Shemini Atzeret
Mon 24 Oct 10:00




Shemini Atzeret Morning Service

(approx) – Yizkor

Evening Service for Simchat Torah & Hakafot

Candle lighting for Simchat Torah (after this time)

Tue 25 Oct 10:00


Simchat Torah Morning Service & Hakafot

Simchat Torah ends

Tisha b’Av

Fast of Av
Sat 13th (night) – Sun 14th August

The fast of Av (Tisha b’Av) commemorates the destruction of both temples in Jerusalem (by Nebuchadnezzar the Babylonian in 586 BCE – and by Titus the Roman in 70 CE)

Start of fast: Sat 8:36pm
End of fast: Sun 9:21pm

Talk & chanting lamentations (Eichah): 
Saturday 13th 10pm at the Synagogue on Park Row

Afternoon service: 
Sunday 14th 5pm at at the Synagogue on Park Row – including laying tefillin.

Image © Francesco Hayez from Wikipedia.