Jeremia Talk
Tuesday June 28th
Join us this Tuesday for Rabbi Mark Daniels’ talk about Jeremiah who was one of Judaism’s major prophets.
Jeremiah fearlessly castigated the people of Judea for their idolotrous ways and warned them of the consequences by way of divine punishment. His prophecy proved correct when not long after, the Babylonians invaded and destroyed Solomon’s Temple. Jeremiah was attacked and abused for his warnings but he held to his prophetic message fearlessly.
Image Rembrandt van Rijn, Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem, c. 1630 from Wikipedia
Shared Spaces Arts Festival 2016
Salaam Shalom is delighted to announce the launch of
Shared Spaces Festival
19th May- 3rd July 2016 across the city of Bristol.
Our unique programme of visual art, performance and interaction, centres around an extraordinary exhibition of contemporary art by British Muslim and Jewish Artists. The exhibition itself is the 3rd of June to the 3rd of July 2016 but the accompanying programme of creative events and workshops kicks off from the 19th of May!
We hope you will be able to join us over the next couple of months… Highlights include the Live Night, with eight Muslim and Jewish award winning spoken-word artists, poets and musicians from Bristol and beyond. And the launch evening of Shared Spaces Art Exhibition, bringing together the works of 13 Muslim and Jewish British Artists, including a very special Muslim-Jewish collaboration especially for Shared Spaces.
If we’ve captured your interest, please take a look at the programme visit Made possible thanks to funding from the Arts Council.
FREE Exhibition:
Shared Spaces Muslim and Jewish contemporary British Art Exhibition.
FREE Exhibition:
(Re)collecting Muslim and Jewish Bristol in the Archives Exhibition
FREE Pre-Show Talk:
‘The World of Marc Chagall’ (Bristol Old Vic)
FREE Ladies Henna Event
FREE Dialogue Feast
Film Screenings and talks:
Lawrence of Arabia and Theeb (Bristol Festival of Ideas)
Film screening of ‘Arranged’ and ‘Shoah’ (Watershed)
FREE Creative Workshops for adults, children and young people
FREE Mapping Muslim and Jewish Bristol -Tell Your Stories
Bristol Festival of Ideas Talk ‘Free Speech’
Please help us promote this festival!
If you can show your support for this project through a donation, it would be gratefully received.
Salaam Shalom
Registered Charity # 1121252
The Philosophy of Prayer
The Philosophy of Prayer
16th May
Tonight Rabbi Daniels will be discussing different philosophies and approaches to judaic prayer, ranging from the Chassidic to the Halakhic approach.
All welcome!
Image from
The Praying Jew 1923
Signed, l.r.: “MArc / ChAgAll”
© 2016 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris
Series on Prayer
Monday 9th May
Every Monday evening from Mon 9th May, Rabbi Mark Daniels will start looking at the philosophy of prayer and move on to looking at the structure of the service and the more important prayers, their meanings, history and the customs around them.
All welcome
Maimonides Part 2
Monday 11th April at 7.30pm
Park Row Synagogue
Admission free.
Moses Maimonides Part II
Rabbi Mark Daniels will be delivering the second of his talks on Monday evening on the works of Moses Maimonides, where he will be examining sections of the Rambam’s magnum opus on Jewish law and philosophy, The Mishneh Torah.
Written over 900 years ago, this great work is still regarded as a key text In Jewish studies.
This class is suitable for adults at every level of knowledge. Everyone welcome.
Refreshments will be provided.
Matza, Maror & Music
Sunday 10th April from
12.30 – 4pm
£5 per adult
A series of talks from some of the brightest sparks from The Judith Lady Montefiore College
Subjects include:
• History of the Seder
• Bread of affliction
• Modern day meaning of the Exodus from Egypt
• Music of Pesach and the Haggadah
• Jewish liberation theology
• Pesach Kashering
Timetable of events to be confirmed. For more information please contact our Rabbi here.
Maimonides Part I
Monday April 4th. 8pm
Park Row Synagogue
Come along to Park Row Synagogue tonight to hear Rabbi Daniels illuminate sections of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah: his magnum opus of all that one needs to know about Judaism (other than the bible).
Moses Maimonides (1135-1204) was the leading Rabbi & Jewish philosopher of the Middle Ages: his other great works include the Guide for the Perplexed and his commentary on the Mishnah. He was a doctor at the court of Saladin in Cairo.
This is Part 1 of a fascinating 2 part series, all welcome.
Purim Party & Megillah Reading
Wednesday March 23
5.30pm Purim Party for Children
7pm Megillah reading
Adults £10, children 6 and over £3, under 5s free!
Please note, the Megillah reading is free.
Starting at 5.30pm, dress up and bring your children for a festival of making, shaking, booing, hissing, singing, dancing and feasting. There will be food from 5.30, (falafel, pitta, hummus, salad and the children’s own delicious home-made hamantaschen), and we will be making shakers and noise-makers (to be used during the Megillah reading at 7pm) with our artists in the Frank Cohen Hall. The musicians among us will be playing live music until…
At 7pm Rabbi Mark Daniels will be reading the Megillah in our beautiful synagogue. All are welcome and this will be followed by a delicious buffet provided by Bristol’s own Falafel King. (There’ll be falafel, pitta, hummus, salads, and beer (for the parents)!)
We hope to see you there! And remember, dress up!!!
Once again we are collecting for the ‘East Bristol Food Bank’, in the Purim tradition of giving gifts of food, mishloach manot. Please bring donations (unopened, non-perishable food items) either to the party.
Talk: Sefardi Judaism
Monday 28th 7:30pm
Park Row Synagogue
A look at the geographical varieties of Sefardi/Mizrachi Judaism. Unlike their ideological Ashkenazi brethren, the sefardim differ by geography – Syrian judaism is very different from Egyptian and differ again from both the North Africans and the Spanish & Portuguese. A brief look at their history and differences.