Date for your Diary
Friday 14 – Saturday 15 February 2020
Guest Speaker: Elkan Levy
A Shabbaton weekend will be organised by members of the Pinner United Synagogue.
There will be a Friday night service and meal, and a meal following the Shabbat Morning service. The Pinner Community will provide EVERYTHING that is needed for weekend.
There will be meat, vegetarian and vegan options for all the meals and of course, all of this has been checked with Council and Rabbi Mendy.
The cost to attend will be approximately £15 per meal. This will be confirmed nearer the time.
Pinner already have 40 people interested, so if you are keen to attend either or both events, please contact Eve Gordon on 07768 770550 as soon as possible as we need to know the numbers who will be attending.
Elkan Levy, a solicitor and lecturer, made Aliyah in 2011. Educated in London, Israel, and New York, he is well known in British Jewry and held a number of communal offices including President of the United Synagogue and Minister for Small Communities. He is fascinated by history, Freemasonry, and railways.
Everyone is welcome!
More details to follow nearer the time.