Wednesday March 23
5.30pm Purim Party for Children
7pm Megillah reading
Adults £10, children 6 and over £3, under 5s free!
Please note, the Megillah reading is free.
Starting at 5.30pm, dress up and bring your children for a festival of making, shaking, booing, hissing, singing, dancing and feasting. There will be food from 5.30, (falafel, pitta, hummus, salad and the children’s own delicious home-made hamantaschen), and we will be making shakers and noise-makers (to be used during the Megillah reading at 7pm) with our artists in the Frank Cohen Hall. The musicians among us will be playing live music until…
At 7pm Rabbi Mark Daniels will be reading the Megillah in our beautiful synagogue. All are welcome and this will be followed by a delicious buffet provided by Bristol’s own Falafel King. (There’ll be falafel, pitta, hummus, salads, and beer (for the parents)!)
We hope to see you there! And remember, dress up!!!
Once again we are collecting for the ‘East Bristol Food Bank’, in the Purim tradition of giving gifts of food, mishloach manot. Please bring donations (unopened, non-perishable food items) either to the party.